Take a whiff of Sista Smiff and you'll come back for more, that's fo sho!

Monday, January 09, 2006

It's a good day here...Report card day (or "grade card" day as my dad used to call it). #1 son got A's and B's...#2 son got all A's (including an A in Language brought up from a C!) Princess Daughter had a couple exam grades that weren't so hot but she still got B's and C's.

I went and ran for the first time in almost 2 months. Didn't do too bad....my foot's bothering me so I squeaked out two miles of running and walking. The goal is to do do the Tom King in March. Dang, why did I slack off during Thanksgiving and Christmas?!?!? I was doing 5 miles. Why oh why do we do such things? You lose mucho conditioning if you miss a week. Whine, whine, moan, moan....back on the wagon for me.

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