It hardly compares to Wonder Dawg's gazillion, wonderful photos he took and shared and is having a Guess Who contest with this very moment, but, it'll do. Actually, there were four total but one was less than flattering of Yours Truly, but, great of The Webster. I had to stand on a chair because Web is 6'6 and I'm a spot under 5'4.
Shauna, Jag and I can't remember who the guy is. (Sorry...probably somebody I read all the time and I'm just having a brain fart at the moment)
The Dresden Flash, aka Newscoma....The Paper Boy aka CLC and Your Sista. (I believe that was my third nametag of the evening)
very cool putting names with the faces. thank you, sista.
an out-of-state groupie
Hey Sista,
Im sorry I missed the blog meetup, but it was the only chance I had to tape my latest vlog video. Wow, if I had gone I couldve been seen talking to SistaSmiff, Nashville and blog royalty!
I think there needs to be a video blog starring Sista Smiff...whatchew tawkin' bout? The world waits....
The guy next to Jag is TV on the Fritz.
You look fabulous!! LOVE the blouse...looks kind of like your site...;)
Great pics. I'm starting to feel like I was there. Thanks for sharing.
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