Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday....Mister President....
Happy Birthday to you

Well......I love ya. Heh (inside joke)

Ya'll feel free to jump in and sing to him.
Take a whiff of Sista Smiff and you'll come back for more, that's fo sho!
Haaaaaappy Birth-day, toooooooo...yooooouuu!!
Happy Birfday, Mr. Smiff!
Doomp slappa doomp, doomp slappa doomp, doomp slappa doomp, doomp, doomp, doomp, doomp.
Well, SOMEBODY had to play the bass line fo' Mista Smiff...
Have a great one!
Frara - It will be a "tradegy" if you don't have a great birthday!!
Thank you all for your kind words and song. You even set it to music, thanks to ceeelcee.
Well, I hit the big 46 today, but that isn`t so old. If I were a giant tortoise I would be considered an adolescent.
Schister, I`m prepared to offer you cash to keep that one under your hat.
All in all, I`m a very lucky man. I have three wonderful kids and a lovely wife , to keep me on my toes. You can almost see wrinkles of happiness forming across my face.
Thank you Mrs. Smiff for making me have, as Frank Capra said, "A Wonderful Life."
I love you..........Mr. Smiff
P.S. Oh my god! Is that another snake I see?
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
What a great day for your Birthday!
Bawk, Bawk, Bawk!!
It doesn't translate well, but that's what we sing at our house.
Halfway through the year and halfway through the month, what an interesting date to have.
You say its your birthday ...
It's my birthday to yeah.
Umm, not really. It's not my birthday, but its yours Mr. Smiff.
Happy B'day!!!!!!!!!
You say it's your birthday?
Well, it's my un-birthday!
A very merry un-birthday to me!
Oh yeah, this is supposed to be ALL about you...sorry, I forgot.
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