Well, I went with Peggy Sue, tried Betty Lou (or something like that)
Had a date with Donna and Barbara Ann too
But I'm kinda fonda Wanda
Cause Wanda always wanna wanna wanna...
Got me thinking....that Everybody's Rockin' was probably the first cd I ever owned. I got it in 1987 when cd's were still kinda new.

Do you remember what your first cd was? Post vinyl..mid-cassette??

You have impeccable taste, Sista! I loves me some Neil.
I was a late-bloomer when it came to buying CDs. I think I bought my first one in 1993 or 1994. It was Neil Young's "Harvest Moon" CD. A follow-up, of sorts (as much of one as he's likely to admit to. anyway) to his early album called "Harvest". It's still a great CD.
Dire Straits-Brothers in Arms 1985
"Money for Nothing" cranked up to a window-rattling decibel level to hear Knopfler's flangy guitar and that stinging snare drum like they were in the same room with me.
Not that they would ever actually spend time with a pimply faced long haired loser like me...
The Smiths - Meat is Murder ...
okay, I was really into the pop-rock scene, but my ex-husband loved quirky music. So we sprang for the $25 CD AND bought a CD player. I remember thinking at the time that there was no way CDs were going to replace cassettes and vinyl because they were so expensive. Boy, was *I* wrong!
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