Take a whiff of Sista Smiff and you'll come back for more, that's fo sho!

Monday, June 05, 2006

To Gray Or Not To Gray

I am toying with a thought here and I need your input. (Whoever "You" may be)

I have a hair appointment tomorrow. I'm due for a color job. My roots have grown out so much, I can see my salt 'n pepper gray pattern pretty good. Now, I used to have black hair but I blame that one boss I had a few years ago for causing my hair to prematurely turn on me. The girl that used to do my hair said my hair turned grayish quicker than anybody she'd ever seen. Now there's an honor I never wanted.

The question is....wonder if I should let it go and let it be cool looking salt and pepper like? I don't want to look like an old heifer, but, I think it has potential of looking kinda interesting. Does salt and pepper look good you think or should I keep forking that $100 over and getting the color and highlights??

Come on now...those who know me, and those who don't....I want opinions.


Anonymous said...

hey, so you don't know me, but here's my advice, since you asked. go with the natural look. some of the most seriously kick-ashcan women are the au naturel type with the salt-n-peppah pony tail. go for the natural look, girlfriend. why the hula not? you can always change it again, right?

Newscoma said...

I sort of dig gray hair.

Blogarita said...

In general, I like it. Emmylou Harris' hair is a great example.

Mine, on the other hand, is not. It looks mousy and washed out when I let it go gray. But I have quit coloring it and gone to highlights instead that blend the gray instead of covering it up.

I'd say give it a try? What do you have to lose?

ceeelcee said...

I was gonna mention Emmylou Harris, but then I realized that's not a fair comparison for mere mortals like ourselves. She makes grey look good like Bruce Willis used to make bald sexy. I've always said that I wish my hair would just sprout back grey or any other color. I'd settle for purple.

Now, THERE'S and idea for you...

ceeelcee said...

...And why do I type "grey" instead of "gray?" I don't have that much Emglish heritage in me. Being adopted, I always considered myself something of a mutt.

Sharon Collie said...

But...whadda I do while it's growing out???? Wonder should I cut it shorter? Decisions...

saraclark said...

Ask if there is a way to blend the changeover from color to gray? Your stylist may have a suggestion, you don't want to just do it and get the reverse roots going on. You can go natural slowly and maybe mix some highlights, so as not to go cold turkey.
EmmyLou's gorgeous gray is not as natural as it seems, but was a well thought-out plan that still has salon help. You've got to carefully bleach it to keep from looking yellowish or god forbid blue.

All this being said, I'm covering my gray with red and more red and I'm digging it.

I bet your hair's got enough curl to pull it off and look great.

Sharon Collie said...

Emmylou, like Sista Smiff, started going gray early on. She colored it during the Trio period and then let it go about '87. You can see on the cover of her "Angel Band" album where it was growing out.

She's also going on 60.

Brendan said...

Pardon the rudenss, but how old are you?

if you're in your early-mid twenties, doa dye job. If you're in your mid thirties, leave it be. let the roots grow out.

Sharon Collie said...

Is 37 considered mid or late 30's?

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