If you've been reading me awhile and heard me speak of Mr. Smiff and you are just dying to know what makes this Man of the Bass tick, well, today, will be your lucky shot to hear The Man speaketh. Today at 3 pm eastern, 2 pm central on XM Radio's Bluegrass Junction, you can hear Mr. Smiff, along with fellow Grascal, Terry Eldredge (aka "Uncle Bobo by the Smiff Kids) have a chat with the indomitable Kyle Cantrell about their upcoming cd Long List of Heartaches.
I can assure you, these two will not be discussing their opinions on the War, the recent primary elections or anything serious. My disclaimer here is I take no responsibility for the potential retardo-ness that may spew forth from their mouths.
Now, I know some of you are saying "Sista Smiff, I don't have XM Radio. I feel left out of this potential fun and frivolity. This is not fair." Ah...never fear, my dear blogging brothers and sisters....you most certainly can take part in this most auspicious occasion.
You can go to XM's website and sign up for a free, three day trial. That way, you can not only experience hearing the voice of my Babys' Daddy, but, you can also check out the rest XM has to offer, which is much. (Besides great the country stations, I'm quite partial to the 70's and 80's channel and "Frank's Place" which plays nothing but Frank Sinatra and his contemporaries)
I can't promise Producer J won't show up at your house making a sales call though. Just be on your guard.
If you don't catch it today, the rest of the airing schedule of this historic interview is as follows:
Wednesday 8/9: 3pm ET
Sunday 8/13: Noon ET
Tuesday 8/15: 9 pm ET
Saturday 8/19: 8 am ET
Monday 8/21: Noon ET
Thursday 8/24 Midnight ET
Sunday 8/27 5 am ET
Tuesday 8/29 10 am ET
Just remember - when your three days are up and you decide you can't live without XM - never pay retail - I've got deals!
There you go, friends and neighbors. You get more than brilliant writing when you get your Whiff.
Retardo-ness is my new favorite word.
It was a great event. Loved the music. especially the "wild womin" song. He done you proud. Yes, I love XM 73, my favorite channel always.
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